Auditing LGA risk management plans prepared using the DFES Bushfire Risk Management Systems (BRMS) methodology.
As part of their due diligence, LGAs often require independent auditing of their BRMPs. We have experience at the whole of Shire level in reviewing fuel loads in the field, classifications and prioritisation of mitigation actions, and in reviewing the range of treatment options being considered.
LGA executive teams have been reassured by these independent audits and as a result are more likely to support their staff’s recommended actions during review and decision making by elected councellors.
Mapped Bushfire Risk
Joondalup International
Golf Course in Perth
City of Cockburn
City of Armadale
These images show mapped bushfire risk. They include considerations of property values, vegetation type and fuel load, effective slope, separation distance, prevailing winds by season, fire run potential and fire containment potential.